Thursday, August 31, 2017

Seventh Grade

"Seventh Grade" By Gary Soto


It is the first day of middle school in the seventh grade in Fresno, California. A boy named Victor signs up to take French because a girl he likes named Teresa, is taking that class. This year Victor wants Teresa to be his girlfriend but after homeroom when Teresa speaks to him he is rude. He then feel sorry for speaking to her that way. In French class, Victor tries to impress Teresa by pretending to know French. The French teacher, Mr. Bueller, does not embarrass Victor because he does not speak French. After French class, Mr. Bueller hears Teresa telling Victor he did well for speaking French. 


 Victor - a twelve year old, has dark skin, is a good guy, self-conscious, bad at math, and chose French as his elective. He is the main character and want to make Teresa his girl 

Micheal Torres - Victor's best friend and likes to scowl

Teresa - a nice person and good at math

Mr. Bueller - French teacher and is a nice guy because he does not call out Victor or embarrass him by telling the class he does not know French

Mr. Lucas - English teacher

Plot Elements:  

Exposition - It is the first day of school in Fresno, California and Victor is in 7th grade.

Rising Action - Victor is talking to his friend Michael about scowling and girls. While at the same time Victor is thinking in his head about Teresa.

Climax - Victor is in French class with Teresa and the teacher asks “who knows French?” Victor want to impress Teresa so he raises his hand. The teacher ask him a question in French. He does not know French so he tries to bluff his way through it by making noises that sound like French. 

Resolution - Teresa come up to Victor at the end of class to tell him that he did well and asks if he could help her with French sometime.

The Seventh Grade is a short story about what basically happens the first day of school at any middle school. This show relates a lot to what happens, Victor really wants to impress Teresa so he does not stop to think that when he says he knows French he may have too something in French. Victor learns from the mistakes he makes and starts to act more like himself. When you act fake or like someone you are not, the people you meet will like the fake you. You do not  have to pretend to be someone you're not. People will like you for who you really are.

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