Thursday, August 31, 2017


"Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" By Rudyard Kipling


A mongoose named Rikki is adopted by a family after a flood. Rikki protects Teddy, the father, the mother, and the other animals in the garden from snakes by killing them. Rikki first saves Teddy from a snake named Karait. Rikki-Tikki also saves Teddy’s father from Nag the cobra when he tries to kill him in his bathroom and Rikki-Tikki ends up killing Nag. Rikki-Tikki saves Teddy from Nagaina Nag's wife when she tries to get revenge on Rikki-Tikki for killing her husband Nag. Lastly Rikki-Tikki kills Nagaina and all of her eggs, saving all the garden animals from that family of cobras in the future.

 Rikki-Tikki-Tavi - a mongoose he is the main character and he fights off snakes to defend the family that took him in

Teddy - a young boy who live in India and finds himself in life threatening situations with snakes that live in the surrounding of his house

Teddy's mother - cares for Rikki-Tikki.

Teddy's father - helps Rikki-Tikki in a dangerous situation

Chuchundra - a frightened muskrat who lives in the gardens

Darzee - a tailor bird and a friend of Rikki-Tikki Darzee sometimes annoys Rikki-Tikki, but helps him in the battle against Nagaina and her nest of eggs

Darzee's wife - a tailor bird and a friend of Rikki-Tikki in the fight against Nag she warns Rikki-Tikki

Karait - a small but deadly snake that Rikki-Tikki kills in the story

Nag -  a cobra who tries to kill Rikki-Tikki and the family that took Rikki-Tikki in. 

Nagaina - a cobra and Nag's wife she has a battle with Rikki-Tikki while trying to get revenge

Plot Elements:

Exposition - Rikki-Tikki the mongoose is found by a family of humans after a flood and decided to adopt him.
Rising Action -Rikki-Tikki kills Karait the snake saving Teddy’s life and earning the family’s praise.

Climax - Rikki-Tikki kills Nag and come up with a plan to get rid of all the cobras.
Resolution - Rikki-Tikki kills Nagaina and her eggs, saving all the other animals in the garden and his adopted family.


Rikki-Tikki-Tavi is a very enjoyable story where courage, honor, and curiosity takes place. Rikki-Tikki is very brave because he took on some really dangerous snakes to protect the family that took him in.  Rikki-Tikki feels loyalty to the family because they took him in. The family and other animals in the garden feel loyalty to Rikki-Tikki for saving them from the killer snakes.

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