Thursday, August 31, 2017

All Summer in a Day

"All Summer in a Day" By Ray Bradbury


 People on Earth now live on Venus. There is a child named Margot that remembers the sun and the other children do not believe her. It is getting close to the day once every seven years where the sun comes out. William and the other children do not like Margot so they decided to lock her in the closet before the teacher comes. While Margot is in the closet William and the other children see the sun. After the sun is gone the children let Margot out of the closet.


Margot - is a girl who loves the sun, unlike the other kids she did not like the rain, and in the shower she screams she is close to her breaking point

William - is a bully to Margot and locks her in the closet

The other children - do not like Margot because she says she remembers the sun

The teacher - is the teacher of the children

Plot Elements:

Exposition - Children from Earth now live on Venus where the sun only shines once every seven years.

Rising Action - It is getting close to the day the sun comes out. One child named Margot remembers the sun and is excited to see it.

Climax - Margot get locked in the closet by William and the other children before the teacher got to class. William and the other children get to see the sun. William and the other kids enjoy the sun for only about one hour.

Resolution -While Margot is in the closet the sun comes and goes. William and the other children let Margot out of the closet.


The short story All Summer in a Day is a story that shows what it means for someone to take something away from someone else, that the person really loves, and that can never be made up. The jealous and mean children took the one thing that Margot was most looking forward to away from her and they can never make it up to her. I liked how the author compared the children when they are playing in the sun to wild animals escaping from their caves. Personally I do not know how people can live in a place where the sun only shine once every seven for only about one hour. However I think I would be pretty cool to live on another planet. Do you think it would be pretty cool?

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